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do you want to get to
know me as
a human design coach?

sign up for free consultation call



Considering to hire a Human Design Professional? This is for you!

When you look at the ways you can connect with me through my work, you might not know what is the best choice for your needs. That's why I want to offer you a free Consultation Zoom Call

It is a great way to get to the bottom of what is the most needed at this point in your life, to help you in a practical way through the lens of your design &  to see if what I offer might be for you. When you decide to continue Human Design Journey with me, we already have great insight into the direction we should go. 

When you register for a call, I need to know your birth data to generate your Human Design Chart. This information is private & only for the purpose of our session(s). 

After you register, you will receive an email to book the date through Calendly. Just registering here doesn't save you a spot, you need to choose the date & time. The email contains the link to the Zoom Room and other important details.

If you can't find the email, check Spam. If it is
not there, just contact me:



You have signed up!
You should receive an e-mail
with event details.

Sometimes, it can take longer till the email arrives, especially if you use Google Chrome.
If it takes too long, please register on Safari Browser.

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